Halloween is over… The countdown can officially begin: only a few weeks until Christmas! So, like every year, it’s time to rack your brains to find the gifts that will please your loved ones.
Fortunately, several brands on the market offer to satisfy as many people as possible with boxes specially designed for this type of occasion. This is the case of Sabon, the cosmetics brand that has been delighting the senses for more than 25 years, particularly with its products made with ingredients from Dead Sea salts.
Treatments for the body, face and hair or even precious scents for the body and home, discover below our selection of boxes signed Sabon to make only people happy on December 25, 2023.
This kit specially designed by the brand for Christmas contains a scrub and a body lotion. Two products that smell like “White Tea”. The perfect scent to enchant and soothe the senses.

- The Glow essential box
It’s the perfect skincare set! And for good reason, this kit brings together the brand’s essential products to moisturize and give radiance to the skin: the silky cream to deeply nourish, the mist to refresh and the 2 in 1 exfoliant to purify!


Each product inside this box has been carefully selected to offer a unique scent experience making this set the ideal gift to please as many people as possible. Inside, we find: a perfume diffuser which combines sweet jasmine and fresh hyacinth in an elegant glass pot, a linen mist which combines the exoticism of ylang ylang and the sweetness of jasmine. And finally, a Patchouli Lavender Vanilla scented candle to perfume your home with a sweet and soothing scent.


- The Starlight Bouquet body ritual set
What could be better than Christmas scents to please on December 25! This box designed to cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize your skin is also an opportunity to discover (or introduce others to) the new limited edition scent “Starlight Bouquet”. A unique olfactory creation that has the gift of transporting you to a starry garden with the sweet scents of Christmas. Inside, we find: a shower oil, a body lotion and a body scrub… Three delicately scented products to make your beauty routine a pampering moment every day.


Shower oil, body scrub and finally a 2-in-1 facial exfoliant… With this little 100% skincare kit, be sure to make someone happy! The best part of this box? Its sublime midnight blue and camel pencil case to store all the products inside!


Lisa Ziane