Our movie reviews of the week

Quoi voir cette semaine ? Voici nos critiques des derniers films sortis en salle ou sur une plateforme.

Sur L’Adamant : Un beau grand bateau d’humanité

« En 2021, en pleine pandémie, le réalisateur Nicolas Philibert a passé sept mois sur un bateau unique en son genre : L’Adamant. Un centre psychiatrique de jour, installé sur une péniche de bois au centre de Paris. […] Both a political and poetic work, the film, winner of the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, is a call against the dehumanization of modern psychiatry,” writes our journalist Luc Boulanger.

Dead leaves : The charm of thwarted loves

“Two loners meet by chance in Helsinki and believe they have found love. But life tends to put obstacles in the way of those who aspire to happiness,” writes our columnist Marc Cassivi.

Silent Night : THE John Wick very serious by John Woo

“While the extreme seriousness of the John Wick universe has the effect of lightening the cruelty of the events, in addition to its comic book aesthetic, the premise of Silent Night is too tragic for us to be able to appreciate its disproportionate violence without discomfort,” writes our journalist Pascal Leblanc.

Completely burned! : Ridiculously failed!

“You are never better served than by yourself. Known for his successful humorous novels, Gilles Legardinier decided to go behind the camera to adapt, with the screenwriting support of producer Christel Henon, his novel Completely burned!published by Fleuve noir in 2012. Everyone has their own job, we would like to say to him in front of this embarrassing dramatic comedy where three high-level actors waste their talent,” writes our journalist Manon Dumais.

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