Our movie reviews of the week

What to see this week? Here are our reviews of the latest films released in theaters or on a platform.

Adam is slowly changing : Perfectly offbeat

“UFO film, halfway between the initiatory story and the (parodied) adolescent comedy, Adam is slowly changing is an elusive little gem, both hilarious and heartbreaking, extremely uncomfortable. We’re laughing all the way through this first feature film, awarded at several festivals, by Joël Vaudreuil, known as the drummer for Avec pas d’casque, who we discover here as a keen observer of the teenage population, circa 1990. writes our journalist Silvia Galipeau.

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Robot Dreams : A friendship as strong as it is fragile

The kidnapping (Rapito) : Baroque beauty

The Watchers : Much to say, little to see

Bad Boys – Ride or Die : The bell and the idiot

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