Our movie reviews of the week

What to see this week? Here are our reviews of the latest films released in theaters or on a platform.

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire : Rather lukewarm

“The structure of Frozen Empire resembles that of the original: rare action scenes, a threat which remains unresolved for a long time, explanations provided with humor, a New York city tour, a problem with the storage of ectoplasms. Like Star Wars: The Force Awakensthere is good and bad in making a remake which is not one,” writes our journalist Pascal Leblanc.

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Last night in Milan : At night, all the cops are gray

The Silver Venus : Enigmatic Venus

Melting ice : The paths to freedom

The Queen of My Dreams : Like mother, like daughter… or almost

Road House : A muscular tribute to a bygone era

Immaculate : Holy horror

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