Our meals explained by chemistry

If we took the time to observe what is happening in our kitchen, our pots, our ovens or our plates, what could we discover? Hello Doctor offers us today to look at our meals with a chemist’s eye. What actually happens when you make mayonnaise? Why do egg whites turn into a delicate white foam? How is caramel formed?

Chemistry comes into our kitchen every day and we didn’t know it! And couldn’t it help us to make our favorite recipes faster or with healthier ingredients?

This is what the guest of Geraldine Mayr and Dr Jimmy Mohamed, Raphael Haumont. He is a teacher-researcher and specialist in molecular cuisine, and has published numerous books including The taste buds of the chemist and A chemist in the kitchenand for the youngest, The Little Chemist (very) greedy in the kitchen, all published by Dunod editions. He is also at the origin of the French Center for Culinary Innovation (CFIC) with Chef Thierry Marx. He explains to us the contributions of molecular cuisine and gives us some recipes to make..

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