“Our majority wants to tackle all fraud”, because “there is no small fraud”, assures a Renaissance deputy

Guest of 6:20 p.m. from franceinfo, the Renaissance deputy of Gers and general rapporteur of the Finance Committee, Jean-René Cazeneuve, returns to the plan to fight against fraud that the government will present. It intends to tackle tax evasion and social fraud.

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Jean-René Cazeneuve, Renaissance MP for Gers, general rapporteur of the Finance Committee was the guest of franceinfo on Tuesday April 18.  (FRANCE INFO / RADIO FRANCE)

“Our majority wants to tackle fraud, all fraud. It’s a question of social justice vis-à-vis our fellow citizens. It’s an ethical subject and a financial subject”, defended Tuesday, April 18 on franceinfo Jean-René Cazeneuve, Renaissance deputy from Gers, general rapporteur of the Finance Committee. The Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal indicated that he would present “in the next weeks” an anti-fraud plan “with strong measures”such as a doubling of the staff of the Financial Judicial Investigation Service (SEJF).

>> INFO FRANCEINFO. The government will step up its system to fight against VAT fraud

“There is both tax evasion, those who make financial arrangements, optimization, which allow them to escape tax, we will have concrete measures on this”confirmed the general rapporteur of the Finance Committee. “There is also this social fraud, I do not oppose the two, social and tax fraud. Social fraud is people who make social declarations that are not fair”he said.

“Between 20 and 30 billion” of tax evasion

“This law that Budget Minister Gabriel Attal will present before May or June at the latest will tackle these two frauds. Some only see tax fraud, others only see social fraud, we are tackling both “hammered Jean-René Cazeneuve.

The MP for Gers estimates social fraud at “two billion euros, but there is also VAT fraud”. As for tax evasion, it “is rather between 20 and 30 billion”while the Solidaires Finances publiques union considers it between “80 and 100 billion, all taxes combined”. All of this “is one of the measures that will be included in this law so that we have the most objective view possible of what fraud represents. There is no small fraud”according to Jean-René Cazeneuve.

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