“Our electorate no longer exists”, assures Aurélien Pradié, deputy of Lot and secretary general of the party


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The Les Républicains party is due to elect its new leader in early December. Aurélien Pradié, who will announce his decision on a possible candidacy at the start of the school year, estimated on franceinfo that it was necessary “to change everything at Les Républicains”.

“We must change everything among the Republicans”estimated Tuesday August 2 on franceinfo Aurélien Pradié, deputy Les Républicains du Lot. “Our electorate no longer exists”, he added. This shift is not unique to Republicans. “A wind of renewal is blowing across all political parties.”

The issue of the election of the president of the Republicans “will be to gather. In December, we can risk the explosion with the affirmation of certain political lines that would fracture our family”believes the deputy of Lot.

“You have to talk to all French people, be a popular right. It’s about rewriting a new page.”

Aurélien Pradié, LR deputy for Lot

at franceinfo

Aurélien Pradié does not yet position himself as a candidate for the presidency of the Republicans. “It’s a decision that I am in the process of maturing, I will take it during the summer and I will announce it at the start of the school year.” “It’s a collective decision”assures the current secretary general of the party, who, for several weeks, will “Seeing each other. It’s a special responsibility to be president of the Republicans. It’s about changing everything.”

Aurelien Pradie “thinks it has some strengths” to be able to change things. “But it’s not enough, we have to play collectively”, insists the deputy of Lot. Often presented as someone direct, he admits having “always been a bit against the odds.” “It forged my character a bit”he explained.

“We are bored in a political life where there is no longer a big divide, where all temperaments are the same. I assume to be a little rough, a little rough. When we have a lot of ambitions we has a great temper.”

Aurélien Pradié, LR deputy for Lot

at franceinfo

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