Our choice tonight | The duty

Family Friday

Double family program on Radio-Canada with the new game hosted by Pierre Hébert, which challenges parents of young children to guess their reaction in particular situations, followed by two episodes of the comedy on the vagaries of family life, first launched on Tou.tv.

Les petits tannants, followed by Survivre à ses enfants, Radio-Canada, from 8 p.m.

Winter returns

Guy Jodoin returns to the animation of the variety series which made us discover our regions last summer. Winter is celebrated there in all its splendor with the Boulay sisters, 2Frères, Paul Daraîche and Beatrice Deer. Patrick Lagacé and PY Lord are also back in service, along with their sidekick Rosalie Bonenfant. This evening, they are welcoming François Avard and the lawyers from the Innocence Quebec Project.

The beautiful winter tour, TVA, 9 p.m. and Deux hommes en or, Télé-Québec, 9 p.m.

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