Our back-to-school challenges

The idea may have germinated during the holidays, or just before being caught up in the daily routine: it is often at the start of the school year that we set ourselves challenges. Get back to sport, sign up for a foreign language course, get involved in an association, go zero waste or even prepare for a cycling trip for next summerthe challenges can be very different.

But how do you stay motivated despite the vagaries and the unexpected? How do you manage to stay the course?

Geraldine Mayr receives Redwane Telah. He is in charge of the morning program on France Inter and producer of the podcast Redwane course, course. In November 2019, he gives himself 500 days to run the Paris marathon. He is then obese and handicapped – he suffers from hemiplegia. The challenge is huge and the adventure is not going to go as planned at all. He tells us about his challenge and his adventures, and how this experience transformed him. He also gives us advice, so that we too want to get started !

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