our answers to your questions after the government announcements on the lifting of restrictions against Covid-19

Gradual easing of restrictions. The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, accompanied by the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, detailed the timetable for the lifting of health measures, during a press conference, Thursday January 20. In addition to the end of the obligation to telework, which nevertheless remains recommended, and that of wearing a mask outdoors on February 2, the government has also opened up the possibility, for adolescents aged 12 to 17, to carry out the dose of booster vaccine, from Monday, January 24. The same day, the vaccination pass will become compulsory, after its almost total validation by the Constitutional Council on Friday.

The day after these announcements, franceinfo answered the questions you asked us in our live.

Is telework still compulsory?

For the moment, the rule in force requires employees to telework at least three days a week when possible. Jean Castex however announced on Thursday that this obligation would end on February 2. But remote work will remain recommended.

From when will the health protocol be lightened in schools?

The government has announced that the health protocol that applies in schools will be “probably” reduced after the winter holidays (from February 5 to March 6, depending on the zone). Wearing a mask in primary school could in particular no longer be compulsory for children, explained the Prime Minister. These decisions will however be subject to the validation of the health authorities, still according to Jean Castex.

Is a stadium considered an outdoor place, where masks will no longer be compulsory from February 2?

Stadiums are currently subject to restrictions, including a 5,000 spectator limit. John Castex announced that the limit on the number of spectators would be lifted on February 2. But wearing a mask will continue to be compulsory.

What is the difference between the health pass and the vaccination pass, which comes into effect on Monday?

The main difference between the vaccination pass (which comes into force this Monday, January 24) and the health pass is as follows: to obtain a vaccination pass, you must have a complete vaccination schedule as well as a booster dose (for those over 18 years old), or have been infected with Covid-19 in the last six months, or have a certificate of contraindication. The tests do not make it possible to obtain this vaccination pass. While for the health pass, until now, a negative PCR or antigen test of less than 24 hours was usable.

How to get your new vaccination pass?

As explained by the cabinet of Cédric O, Secretary of State in charge of Digital, in an article by RTL, you will not have to do anything: the vaccination certificates already registered in the TousAntiCovid application will not change and will be accepted as part of the vaccination pass. In addition, the TAC Vérif application, used in particular by catering professionals for check the validity of the health pass and the vaccination pass, will no longer accept negative test certificates from Monday.

If I am late for my booster dose, will I still benefit from the vaccination pass?

No. From February 15, 2022, you will have to take your booster dose four months after the last injection, otherwise your vaccination pass will be deactivated. If you are infected with Covid-19 before your booster dose, you will be able to obtain a certificate of recovery, which is valid for six months.

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