our answers to your practical questions about the ballot

Emmanuel Macron, a candidate for re-election, entered the campaign late and has not yet revealed his programme. For the moment, only the main axes are known. In his letter to the French, the president-candidate suggests that the aborted pension reform will take place. He also promises “a quick measure” to cope with rising fuel prices. The purchasing power support measures for gas and electricity will be extended beyond the month of June. He also claims to want to abolish the audiovisual license fee. One month before the first round, candidate Macron should mainly campaign on his record as president.

Opposite, Marine Le Pen has not abandoned its position against immigration and wishes in particular to “remove the jus soli and limiting access to nationality to naturalization only on merit and assimilation criteria”. The RN candidate also offers a monthly allowance of 300 euros for people caring for a dependent relative, an income tax exemption for those under 30 or a zero-rate loan for young couples accessing to the property.

The Reconquest candidate!, Eric Zemmour, leads a campaign on the themes of immigration and insecurity, with in particular the establishment of minimum sentences, the restoration of real life imprisonment, the end of family reunification and the abolition of jus soli.

For her part, candidate LR Valerie Pécresse focuses its campaign on purchasing power (10% increase in wages, tax exemption for overtime, etc.), but also on the fight against insecurity, with “punch squads” in difficult neighborhoods, lowering from criminal majority to 16, the construction of 20,000 prison places or even an Orsec plan for justice (with 9 billion euros in savings).

For insubordinate France, Jean-Luc Melenchon organizes its campaign around three priorities: purchasing power, the environment and a change in institutions. He thus proposes the blocking of prices for basic necessities, the fight against inequalities, ecological planning, the transition to a Sixth Republic and the exit from NATO.

The green candidate Yannick Jadot would like to become the “climate president”, with the objective of 100% renewable electricity, the end of nuclear power, the establishment of a climate ISF, a massive housing renovation plan to reduce the energy bill or even the exit from factory farming.

Anne Hidalgo ensures that the “climate justice will guide” his action. The socialist candidate proposes in her program to appoint a climate minister, to facilitate access to electric vehicles and to phase out nuclear power in Europe.“horizon 2050”. The mayor of Paris also promises to better pay teachers, to establish the right to vote at 16 and to recognize the blank vote.

Fabien Roussel made an original campaign on the left on the theme of “happy new days”. The communist candidate has put purchasing power and work at the heart of his program. He wants to reduce working time to 32 hours, increase the minimum wage to 1,500 euros net and restore retirement at age 60 at the full rate. He finally wants to nationalize “large strategic companies”particularly in the field of medicine, energy, transport or food.

John Lassalle defends “authentic France” and rurality. It proposes a reform of the institutions with, in particular, the establishment of the citizens’ initiative referendum. The candidate of the Resist movement! wishes to invest in research in order, among other things, to develop renewable energies, recruit 100,000 nurses and caregivers over the duration of its mandate, raise the minimum wage to 1,400 euros net or even hire 6,000 gendarmes and police officers.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan carries 100 measures which, according to him, aim to “give back to the French their freedom, and to France its independence”. The candidate of Debout la France! promises in particular the abolition of the state of health emergency and “liberticidal measures such as the health or vaccination pass”. He also wants the establishment of a referendum of popular or citizen initiative and promises to organize several referenda himself on subjects such as the European Union, immigration or secularism.

The program of Philippe Poutou moves little compared to its previous candidacies. Prohibition of layoffs, reduction of working time to 32 hours over four days, restoration of the legal retirement age to 60, introduction of a sixth week of paid leave… The NPA candidate also wishes to regularize the without -papers, establish a self-sufficiency income for 16-25 year olds or create a million jobs in public services.

Finally, the candidate of Lutte Ouvrière Nathalie Arthaud proposes a general increase in wages, allowances and pensions, with in particular a minimum of 2,000 euros net. She also wants the indexation of employee income on price increases and “zero unemployment” thanks to a better distribution of work between all, without lowering wages.

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