our advice for choosing them well and successfully planting them

It’s time to plant raspberries for a first harvest next year. To be able to make pies and jams, it is necessary to plant several feet of them. And above all, choose the variety carefully.

There are two kinds of raspberries. Those who give abundantly once, in late spring and early summer, abundantly. And those called ascending raspberries. They bear fruit from mid-summer until the first frosts. Also learn about the flavor of the fruit. The reds are generally very fragrant. White raspberries are sweeter but much sweeter.

Frédéric Lantin is a nurseryman. His company, Ribanjou, specializes in the production of small fruit shrubs: “The raspberry has a perennial root. Each cane has a lifespan of two years. On the other hand, the root can last for ten years. It is a plant that grows spontaneously on the edge of the woods and loves the sun of the forest. morning, draining soils, rather light and rich in organic matter.If it is installed in good conditions, the raspberry tree is autonomous.

Do not forget that this shrub needs a rich soil. So you have to mulch your foot with whatever comes to hand, dead leaves, real straw, bark and, possibly, compot. This plant is very greedy in organic matter. “

“In summer, water raspberries well when it is very hot or very dry.”

Frédéric Lantin, nurseryman

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To have good harvests, you have to plant the raspberries in a row and train them.

– Install stakes about 1 m high.

– Stretch metal or plasticized wires between these stakes.

– Plant the raspberries every 40 to 50 cm.

Trellising ensures good air circulation between the feet and therefore prevents the arrival of diseases (gray rot, anthracnose, raspberry mosaic …). It also prevents the soft branches from bending down to the ground and keeps the fruit from being soiled.

In 5 to 6 years, three raspberry plants can give 1 kg of fruit.

The raspberry tree is a conqueror … It quickly cleans up around it! “The raspberry sucker. If you set it up near another berry shrub – black currant, currant, gooseberry – it is bound to invade it. And you may have difficulty cleaning, removing the raspberry that is installed. . I advise you to plant it separately, to surround it well, for example by passing the mower to prevent it from spreading too much. “

“You can plant wild strawberries at your foot. They have the same needs and form a lasting couple.”

Frédéric Lantin

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Watch out for the birds!

When the fruits begin to ripen, do not hesitate to place a net on your shrubs. Indeed, birds love raspberries as much as we do!

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