Ottawa sanctions two Haitian government ministers

Canada announced on Tuesday sanctions against two Haitian ministers whom it accuses of helping criminal groups to sow chaos in this country.

Ottawa prohibits Justice Minister Berto Dorcé and Interior Minister Liszt Quitel from entering Canada. The government has also ordered the seizure of any assets they may have in Canada.

The Trudeau government accuses the two men of “significant corruption which fuels the crisis in the country”.

Canada has now punished 13 Haitian political and economic leaders who it says enabled criminal groups to destabilize the country, including through money laundering.

Several of the individuals targeted maintain links with Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who claims that international military intervention is necessary to restore calm and organize elections.

Canada says it is ready to help, but only when Haitian political leaders agree on the help they need. The sanctions are intended, among other things, to nudge them in the right direction.

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