Ottawa protest: ‘Children should go home’, lawyer says

The police authorities have estimated that a hundred children participate with one or more parents in the siege of the city of Ottawa, a very worrying situation for the lawyer in family law, Valérie Assouline.

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“They don’t go to school, don’t take a shower, or we don’t know. Are they warm? It is sure that it worries, ”explains Me Assouline in an interview with TVA Midi.

She feels that we have to put ourselves in the shoes of these children, who for several days have seen their lives completely turned upside down by their parents’ decision to take part in this major protest movement.

“Overnight, they are uprooted from their environment and find themselves in front of parliament to demonstrate. Is this really where a child should be? It doesn’t matter the debate or the convoy, those who are for or against… The important thing is always to put yourself in the little shoes of these children, ”she adds.

She believes the little ones should go home, pointing out the dangers they may be exposed to.

“The children can be at a demonstration, but when the parents settle there, you have to think about it. There are certain concerns, there is gasoline, heavy trucks, demonstrators who are not all there for the same reason, it is not a homogeneous crowd, ”explains Me Assouline.

She considers that in this context, the Ontario equivalent of the DPJ, the Children’s Aid Society could intervene.

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