Ottawa monitors Wagner’s Rebellion in Russia

The Canadian government promises to keep an eye open on the chaotic situation in Russia where the boss of the armed paramilitary group Wagner, Evguéni Prigojine, had launched his troops against Moscow before turning them back.

Global Affairs Canada, which had previously advised Canadians to avoid traveling to Russia after the invasion of Ukraine, said it “was at risk of further civil unrest across the country.”

“Security restrictions, including movement limitations, have been put in place in some areas, including Moscow,” read a travel advisory posted on the Global Affairs website on Saturday.

This notice was issued prior to Prigozhin’s announcement that he was giving up his advance to Moscow. He decided to turn back to avoid, according to him, a bloodbath.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced an Incident Response Group meeting to review the situation in Russia.

Mr. Trudeau met with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, the Minister of National Defense, Anita Anand, the President of the King’s Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Emergency Preparedness, Bill Blair, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, and senior government officials.

The Incident Response Group has provided an update on the latest updates from Russia, according to Trudeau’s office. Specifically, ongoing coordination efforts with international partners were discussed and officials are assessing the implications of the situation for Canadians and Canadian personnel.

“The Panel has agreed to continue to monitor the situation and to work closely with allies and partners,” Alison Murphy, the prime minister’s press secretary, said in a written statement.

Trudeau said on Twitter that Canada was in touch with its allies. “We will continue to monitor the situation closely,” he said.

Earlier, Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly wrote on Twitter that she and her counterparts from the G7 countries “have met to discuss the events in Russia”. She did not give any further details on this subject.

The United States Department of State and the German Foreign Ministry gave little details of the discussion in which the head of European Union foreign policy also took part.

The United States reaffirmed the country’s support for Ukraine. The Secretary of State continues to coordinate with its allies.

The President and CEO of the Congress of Ukrainian Canadians recalled that Russia was maintaining its war effort despite the ongoing turmoil.

“Now is the time for Canada and the allies to provide all the weapons Ukraine needs to defeat Russia,” said Ihor Michalchyshyn. The Ukrainians need what they need to win and they will win. »

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