Ottawa invests $31 million in affordable housing near Laval University

The federal government announced on Monday an investment of $31 million for the construction of affordable housing dedicated to students at Université Laval, in the Capitale-Nationale.

This envelope, which comes from the National Co-Investment Fund for Housing (FNCIL), will make it possible to develop 204 affordable units “in perpetuity” which will be located near Laval University. The project led by the organization Unity of work for the establishment of student housing (UTILE) will be designed “to achieve ambitious targets on the environmental level”.

L’UTILE hopes that this project will make up for the lack of quality affordable housing in the Université Laval sector. This is a growing need for young adults and students in particular.

“The construction of these 200 affordable housing units will reduce the pressure on the rental market in the neighborhoods surrounding Laval University”, indicated in a press release the general manager of UTILE, Laurent Levesque.

The Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, Ahmed Hussen, mentioned in a press release that it was important to support “our young people in order to help them establish winning conditions for their social and economic success. »

He was alongside the Minister of Health and Member of Parliament for Quebec, Jean-Yves Duclos as well as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, Soraya Martinez Ferrada and the municipal councilor, Marie-Pierre Boucher, to announce this housing investment.

“Access to affordable, quality housing is one of the keys to students’ socio-economic success. It gives peace of mind and financial security that allows you to focus on your education,” said Ms. Martinez Ferrada.

The FNCIL has an envelope of $13.2 billion over 10 years. The 2022 budget plans to advance funding by $2.9 billion to accelerate the creation of up to 4,300 homes and the repair of 17,800 homes.

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