Ottawa: Gatineau residents arrested for possession of weapons and drugs

A man and woman from Gatineau were arrested Saturday morning after being seen with a handgun and cocaine in the ByWard Market in Ottawa, when many gatherings are taking place due to Canada Day.

• Read also: Escapade Festival: one death by overdose and 16 hospitalizations in Ottawa

It was officers on patrol who noticed the two people in a vehicle. “They noticed the driver had what appeared to be a handgun to his leg,” the Ottawa Police Service said on Twitter.

Refusing to get out of the car, the 22-year-old man was arrested along with the 25-year-old woman present with him, after a loaded 9mm pistol and cocaine were seized. Both defendants are due in court on Saturday.

They aren’t the only ones facing court as a 19-year-old man was arrested Friday night in Ottawa “at gunpoint.”

The young man had “got up and [avait] brandished a knife at officers” of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) when he was fighting with two other people near Booth and Fleet streets on Canada Day.

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