In the middle of a heat wave, the guys from Osees – aka The Ohsees, The Oh Sees, Thee Oh Sees and Oh See, etc. – ran their fingers over the strings of their electric guitars, sweated profusely on the amplifiers, shouted at the top of their lungs into the microphones and beat the tambourines without restraint, the time to record A Foul Formtheir 26e scrapbook (!).
Posted yesterday at 6:00 p.m.
When listening, fans of garage metal and heavy, fast rock will find great listening pleasure. The Californian group offers dynamic compositions – not to say dynamites -, short (8 of the 10 tracks are less than 2 minutes, the complete album lasts less than 22 minutes), brutal, direct and, above all, without compromise.
At the microphone, the workaholic John Dwyer – in addition to being the leader of the formation, he is the head of the record company Castle Face – shouts and denounces the (post-)pandemic abuses: normalized police brutality, individualism rampant, loss of environmental control, toxic masculinity and pervasive misogyny in both the real and virtual world (“ Are you living in a lie? Hey you, think you better light up, hiding in the shadow, a peaceful way to die “, we hear on the title track). Without waiting for the explanations of his contemporaries on all these drifts, he launches on the coin Funeral Solutions : “ What the fuck is going on? Human life is not that long. Why die every night? These are good questions indeed.
To support his violent diatribe, sounds sludge rock (the guitar strings heard on fuck kill me seem to be coated in butter, they sound so greasy!), thrash metal (scum show recalls the good old days of hardcore, at the beginning of the 1980s… DRI comes to mind) and psych-rock are heard. True, Osees has accustomed us to more complex arrangements in the past, but for a hastily recorded record in Dwyer’s basement – the Stu Stu Studio! –, A Foul Form is a firebrand well in phase with the brutality of our time.

hardcore rock
A Foul Form
Castle Face Records