Oscars review campaign rules after surprise nomination

(Los Angeles) The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which awards the Oscars, said it was conducting a “campaign procedural review” of this year’s nominees, after an indie film surprised Hollywood by winning the prized sesame.

Each year, the heavyweights of the 7e art embark on a relentless campaign to obtain one of these famous golden statuettes. Everyone has their own strategies and tips, but everyone must follow specific rules.

The feature film To Leslie failed to shine at the box office, amassing just $27,000. But Andrea Riseborough, who plays the lead role, managed to place herself among the nominees for “best actress” on Tuesday, beating stars like Viola Davis.

And this after his talents had been touted on social networks, insistently and at the last minute, by celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow or Edward Norton.

Effective campaign or cheat? The nomination has in any case questioned, so that the Oscars have been inundated with calls and emails, according to the specialized magazine variety.

On Friday, the organization said it was looking into this season’s campaign, in a statement that did not directly mention or To Leslienor Andrea Riseborough.

“The Academy aims to ensure that the competition for the Oscars is conducted in a fair and ethical manner,” she said.

“We are conducting a review of campaign procedures around this year’s nominees, to ensure that no rules have been broken and to understand if changes to these guidelines are necessary in a new era of social media and digital communication. . »

The Academy reaffirmed its “confidence in the integrity [des] voting and nomination procedures”, and its support for “genuine grassroots campaigns for outstanding performance”.

The Oscars are awarded by the approximately 9,500 members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, divided among the 17 branches of the industry.

That of the actors comprising approximately 1300 voters, a candidate needs a little more than 200 votes to see his name in the casting of the nominees.

In the months leading up to the Oscars, parties and events are organized to promote the films, while their posters populate the billboards of Los Angeles.

Campaigns often orchestrated by specialized companies, at a prohibitive price for low-budget works such as To Lesliewhich was absent from this circuit.

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