Oscars 2022: two animated short films from ESMA Nantes in the running


France 3

Article written by

D. Leroy, J.-M. Lalier, W. Sabas – France 3

France Televisions

Two animated short films, “The source of the mountains” and “Je suis un caillou”, made by Nantes students, are in the race for the Oscars 2022.

The source of the mountains is a seven-minute short film that has crossed oceans to join Hollywood in the Oscar race. This tricolor animated film was produced by students from ESMA in Nantes (Loire Atlantique).We are super surprised and happy that our film has come so far and we are very touched by the reception it has received “, confides Camille Di Dio, one of co-directors.

I am a pebble is the other short film competing in the same competition. He is also from ESMA Nantes. It is a film school that opened its doors in 2013 on the Ile de Nantes. In four years, the students are trained on screen in the various professions of 3D animation. The last year of the course is reserved exclusively for the conception of a team film. At the end of the training, at 7 000 euros the year, the study film will serve as a CV to integrate animation studios in France and abroad.


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