Oscars 2022: This huge actor threatens to boycott the evening and imposes a condition on his coming

Still in Europe, the ex of Madonna and Robin Wright would now like to go further. Long committed against the war in Iraq in particular, he would like to make Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speak during the Oscars ceremony. An opportunity for someone who was an actor before entering politics, to send messages to the powerful in Hollywood…

An idea which comes, it must be said, from the actress Amy Schumer, who had declared that she would like to see the man intervene live. In an interview for CNN this Saturday, he went even further, explaining that he could boycott the ceremony if nothing is done about Ukraine. Because some don’t really have the same idea as him, considering that foreign policy has nothing to do with a cinema award ceremony.

The man’s answer to the two Oscars? “I might agree with that in some cases, but war transcends everything. Hollywood couldn’t do anything more important at a time like this“. Angry, he therefore decided to snub the ceremony if the Ukrainian president is not invited and even declared… that he could melt his own two statuettes in protest!

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