Orpheopolis, the villages that welcome orphaned children


Video duration: 5 min

Police: Orpheopolis, the villages that welcome orphaned children

Police: Orpheopolis, the villages that welcome orphaned children – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L.Nahon, F.Blevis, P.Grandouiller, M.Dumas, R.Laurentin, G.Liaboeuf

France Televisions

Police orphans can be accommodated in three villages in France. There, they are supervised and supported in their mourning.

In France, three villages welcome police orphans. Some stay for a year, others their entire childhood. For everyone, the village of Orpheopolis is a cocoon. They cook together, like a family. “We prepare this all together and then we create a friendly menu”, explains Jackye D’Isanto, hostess, Orpheopolis Agde (Hérault). The residents are from 8 to 17 years old. They are placed here after the death of their father or mother, a police officer, due to illness, death in service, or suicide.

Educators who listen

Elena, 17, arrived in the host village three years earlier. His father, a police officer, committed suicide after intervening in the Bataclan attacks. After psychological follow-up and thanks to educators, the young girl begins to get back on track. “The educator here is the attentive ear that listens, the shoulder on which we can cry”explains Fatima Difadi, Opheopolis Agde village educator.

Young people are welcomed most of the time at the request of their families. The village is fighting against school dropouts. In Bourges (Cher), in another Orpheopolis village, orphans who wish to prepare for the entrance exam to the police academy.

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