Organized crime and prohibited weapon | A bar frequented by the mafia is closed

The authorities have just ordered the closure of a Laval bar frequented by members of organized crime, where an illegal firearm and narcotics were found.

The Badabing, on the boulevard de la Concorde, was also the scene of sexual assaults against a waitress.

The bar was bought in July 2021 by a man named Alex Melkart. The same month, the Laval police noted that “the place is full of customers linked to organized crime, including the entourage of Mr. [Davide] Barberio”, a heavyweight in the Montreal mafia.

Two months later, during a routine visit, the police discovered “two large bags filled with narcotics and a prohibited weapon” in an outbuilding of the establishment. The weapon is so big that it could be used to “kill an elephant”, testified investigator François Vigeant, of the Laval Police Service (SPL).

It was too much for the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ).

“The upsurge in gun violence in the Montreal area rightly raises public fear,” the court said in its decision last month. “The Court cannot tolerate that a liquor license holder keep a firearm in her establishment and thus participate in this violence and this climate of fear. »

“The licensee clearly does not have the capacity required to carry out with competence and integrity the activities related to the exploitation of its license”, concluded the RACJ.

The Badabing never responded to the calls from the Régie and therefore did not make its point of view heard. The Press was also unable to reach its owner.

Sexual Assault Complaints

In addition, the decision of the RACJ indicates that one of the Badabing waitresses filed a complaint with the police in connection with two sexual assaults of which she was allegedly the subject. His complaint targets Daniel Guarna, an individual linked to organized crime and whom his boss describes as a new manager.

The plaintiff was also quickly dismissed, directly by Mr. Guarna.

A few days later, at a party where they ran into each other by chance, Mr. Guarna “went to meet the ex-employee and, showing her the contents of his bag in which there was a black pistol, he told her : ‟Be careful what you say”, relates the decision of the RACJ.

Accused of sexual assault, Mr. Guarna was finally acquitted on this count. He pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal harassment.

“During a search of his residence, the police discovered two weapons, narcotics and cash,” added the RACJ. “Mr. Alex Melkart and Mr. Guarna are often armed when they are present at the establishment,” according to the complainant.

The Badabing was the name of the bar that served as the headquarters of the local mafia in the cult television series The Sopranosbroadcast from 1999 to 2007.

The decision of the RACJ indicated, wrongly, that Daniele Guarna had been found guilty of assault in connection with the complaint of the waitress of Badabing. An earlier version of this text repeated this error. He instead pleaded guilty to criminal harassment.

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