organisms tired by heat waves


France 3

Article written by

F. Mathieux, M. Arribe, France 3 Marseille, J.-C. Lambard – France 3

France Televisions

Monday August 1st marks the first day of a new heat wave that is sweeping through France. Five departments have been placed on orange vigilance in the heat wave and the organizations are tired by the thermometer which continues to climb.

Watering often and sometimes even in public fountains, everyone tries as best they can to protect themselves from the new heat wave which affects France, Monday August 1st. Apart from the English Channel and Brittany, this new heat wave should affect all of France. In Lyon, in the Rhône, the mercury was already 30 ° C in the middle of the morning. This is just the beginning since temperatures are expected to reach 39°C on Thursday August 4th. This new heatwave episode changes the habits of the population, which must adapt and modify its exit times.

Elsewhere in France, the heat was even more stifling in the Bouches-du-Rhône, the mercury rose to 38°C in the shade in places.My body reacts in such a way that when I sweat, I’m not well, I go out in the morning and I don’t go out. more in the afternoonreacts a resident of Salon-de-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhone). For older people, the temperature is difficult to bear. Everyone should be alert to the signs that dehydration could cause. “It can lead to cramps, various pains. It can lead to confusional disorders.specifies the doctor Rémy Sebbah.

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