organic in decline


France 3

Article written by

J. Poissonnier, R. Michelot, L. Campisi, M. Beaudouin, G. Le Goff, France 3 Brittany – France 3

France Televisions

Organic farming is on the decline. There is an 11% drop in sales of organic fruit and vegetables in 2021. Some producers sometimes end up throwing away their crops.

A producer and his father had to destroy part of their organic production. In all, two hectares of leeks and 30,000 euros in lost turnover. Their leeks were not harvested due to lack of demand. In supermarkets, organic turnover fell sharply with a decrease of 6.6% in the first quarter of 2022 compared to last year. For some consumers, organic is too expensive. Some people prefer to buy local products.

Charles Sebille, organic market gardener in Camlez (Côtes-d’Armor), fears for his summer vegetables and in particular his cucumbers. “[Ils] will be sold, but we do not know at what price and until when”, explains the market gardener. He hopes to sell his cucumbers for 1.30 euros per kilo, or 0.50 euros per month than two years ago.

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