organic and bulk grocery stores are seeing a drop in footfall



France 3

Article written by

Q. Cezard, Ph. Queyroux, N. Jacob – France 3

France Televisions

Organic is on the decline. After years of increases, sales fell by 3%. Almost everywhere in France, stores are seeing a drop in footfall.

Daniel is a long-time regular at the bulk grocery store. If he finds good products there, coming here is above all a civic-minded approach. In recent months, however, customers like him have become increasingly rare. Some new consumers favoring short circuits, bulk and organic, disappeared after the confinements. This dark observation is identical in all organic and bulk grocery stores in Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine): declines of 20 or 30% in attendance, and 50 to 30 euros for the average basket.

Consumers are paying more and more attention to their budgets. At an organic trade show, exhibitors draw the same conclusions: customers prioritize their spending. The organic professionals we met nevertheless remain confident in the medium and long term, convinced that this ecological and sustainable model still represents the future.


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