Oradour-sur-Glane: Emmanuel Macron on the move in the martyr village


Article written by

C.Motte, A.Bouville, N.Semerjian – France 3

France Televisions

For the third time during his mandate, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron went to Oradouron Tuesday, January 25.

Emmanuel Macron went in the afternoon of Tuesday January 25 to Oradour-sur-Glane (Haute-Vienne), martyred village of the Second World War. This is the third time that the Head of State has visited the site. This time itwas to honor the last survivor of the massacre committed by the Nazis in 1944.

When he first went there, Emmanuel Macron was still a presidential candidate. Today he returns to decorate Robert Hebras 97 years old, the medal of Commander of the National Order of Merit. Before that, the latter took the time to make a speech there to honor the memory of the victims of Nazi barbarism.


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