Ora Cauliflower Karaage

Preparation : 15 mins Cooking : 4 minutes

– 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

– 200g cauliflower

– 8 cl of sesame oil


And also :

– 20 cl of soy sauce

– 30g finely chopped ginger

– 200g potato starch

– 1 mustard egg yolk

– 1.25 l sunflower oil capers, gherkins, parsley, salt, pepper.


– Pour the marinade ingredients into a container: soy, garlic, ginger and sesame oil.

– Marinate the cauliflower for 6 hours, immersing it completely in the marinade.

– Take the tops and dip them in potato starch.

– Fry the cauliflower tops in a saucepan or deep fryer preferably, in 1 liter of oil until golden brown, about 4 minutes.

tartar sauce

– Make a mayonnaise by mixing 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 25 cl of sunflower oil, salt and pepper.

– Once the mayonnaise is ready, add capers, gherkins and chopped parsley.

– Stir everything together and serve with the cauliflower.

A recipe from chef SaaYaan, to be enjoyed at Ora, a festive vegetarian restaurant: 12, rue Philippe de Girard, Paris 10. Reservations: 0 675 705 972 or ora-paris.co

All eggs in one basket!

1. Ballotin Puffed rice balls dark chocolate, milk and Oryola (200 g), Weiss, €15.90.

2. Lindor Egg Gift (208g), Lindt, €7.99.

3. Egg and its small eggs filled with milk or white chocolate (300 g), Révillon, €8.59.

4. Praline gourmet egg with milk (112 g), Comtesse du Barry, €21.90.

5. Chick Smarties (85 g), Nestlé, €2.65.

6. Assortment of chocolate and praline eggs (360 g), Le Comptoir de Mathilde, €16.99.

7. Crispy choco eggs (187 g), M&M’s, €4.79.

8. Milk chocolate hollow egg (90 g), Leonidas, €4.14.

See also: 6 recipe books to please your loved ones!

Leslie Benaroch

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