Opposition to sanitary measures | The “freedom movement” will organize events all summer long in Ottawa

(Ottawa) Events against what remains of the health restrictions should take place in Ottawa from the end of June until the rest of the summer, organizers predict.

Posted at 4:51 p.m.

Veterans for Freedom board member Andrew MacGillivray says in a YouTube interview that the group will hold a three-day conference in Ottawa next week, Wednesday through Friday.

“Veterans for Freedom” describes itself on its website as a group of Canadian veterans who want to “restore basic freedoms for all Canadians” and “uphold Canadian laws.”

MacGillivray says the group’s immediate goal is to get the federal government to repeal the remaining health measures, reinstate federal workers suspended without pay because of the vaccination requirement, and reimburse those workers for lost wages.

He indicates that his group plans to meet next Wednesday in Ottawa with up to 17 federal MPs, most of them Conservatives. On Thursday and Friday, we plan to hold public events with key figures of the “freedom movement”.

According to MacGillivray, the group wants to establish a semi-permanent camp east of Ottawa, called “Camp Eagle,” and wants to hold events throughout the summer.

The “Freedom Convoy”, which occupied downtown Ottawa streets for three weeks earlier this year, is still fresh in the memory of many residents of the federal capital.

This dispatch was produced with the financial assistance of the Meta Exchanges and The Canadian Press for the news.

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