Much of the international community does not recognize the re-election of Nicolas Maduro. The opposition claims the victory of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia.
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The Venezuelan opposition denounced, Saturday, September 7, the “siege” by the police of the residence of the Argentine embassy in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, where six of its executives took refuge in March to escape accusations of “conspiracy”. Electricity was notably cut off in the embassy, declared on X Magalli Meda, a campaign manager for Maria Corina Machado.
Since Friday night, security vehicles have surrounded the Argentine embassy in Caracas, which is now managed and guarded by Brazil after Venezuela broke off relations with Argentina. Luis Almagro, secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), a critic of the Venezuelan government, said on X that “These threats and actions are completely against the law and are in no way acceptable to the international community.”
Socialist President Nicolas Maduro was declared the winner of the July 28 vote, but the opposition claims victory for Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia. A large part of the international community, including Argentina, does not recognize Nicolas Maduro’s victory.