opponents of the ZFE call for the measure to be suspended

Since September 1, the Low Mobility Emissions Zone (ZFE-m) has come into force in Rouen as well as in 12 towns in mainland France. This measure aims to reduce pollution and fine particles emitted by cars. Thus, unclassified vehicles, those without a Crit’air sticker and Crit’air 4 and 5 are no longer authorized to drive or park in these cities.

Rouen ZFE: ask your questions to Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol

An “unfair” measure

Among the demonstrators, anger is brewing this Saturday, September 3. They met in downtown Rouen. Among them Pascale “I have parents who are 86 and 83 years old, who still drive and who have a Cirt’air 4 car, do you think that at their age they will change cars, no! Do you see people of that age taking public transport? Nope !“, protests this Rouennaise.

Opponents of the ZFE are calling for the measure to be suspended. “She is unfair. I don’t understand“, reacts Hakim, a resident of Petit-Quevilly. “I have taken the steps for the aid but I cannot move forward. I don’t have the means and on the one hand I am told I have the right to so much, on the other I have the right to so much and nothing is sure in the end“, he explains.

For his part, Jean-Marc denounces a measure aimed at “isolate rural people“.”Those who live in La Neuville-Chant-d’Oisel or Tourville and who have activities in Rouen, what are they going to do? Also, how are people going to heal themselves? The doctors after 15 years of study do not settle in the countryside but in the city center and there we are forbidden to access it“, he adds.

Isabelle lives in Charleval in the Eure. She comes to Rouen for hospital treatment. “I have a Crit’air 5 car but it passed the technical inspection. I have no choice, I have no money to buy a new one. I’m going to violate“, she laments. The Metropolis of Rouen has planned, in agreement with the authorities, a period of tolerance until March 2023. From that moment fines will be drawn up, from 68 euros for cars, 135 for heavy vehicles.

source site-38