The Prestige (2006)
At the end of the 19th century, in London, Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman), his wife Julia McCullough (Julia McCullough) and Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) are apprentice magicians working for Milton, one of the great masters of magic. Between them, the competition is friendly and good-natured. But when Julia accidentally dies during a performance, Robert accuses Alfred of being responsible for the drama and becomes enemies. From then on, their paths separate and each aspires to become better than the other.
Having become famous, the two magicians are fighting over the same magic trick, “the transported man”, reputedly impossible. But one day, Alfred manages to realize it, making Robert totally obsessed with the idea of discovering his competitor’s secret. Will he sabotage his colleague’s future tricks? How far will this quest go?
Inception (2010)

Highly prized for his skills as a spy, Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is an experienced thug who steals top company secrets using a dream-sharing technique, “extraction.” This technology makes it possible to interfere in dreams to steal sensitive data, but also to implant ideas in the minds of individuals visited during their sleep. Accompanied by his colleagues Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Eames (Tom Hardy) and Arianne (Elliot Page), will Dom succeed in overcoming his tragic past to carry out his mission?
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Transformed from hero to fugitive, Batman (Christian Bale) is in exile far from Gotham. Indeed, Batman had endorsed the murders committed by Two-Face, one of his main enemies now deceased. In the absence of the batman, commissioner James Gordon and the anti-crime unit managed to put all the bad guys in Gotham City in jail. But the arrival of Bane (Tom Hardy) in Gotham, a masked terrorist, upsets life in town and prompts Bruce Wayne to return to restore order.
Interstellar (2014)

In a post-apocalyptic world marked by disasters, droughts and famines, an astronaut team searches for a new habitable planet to establish a space colony and save humanity. Once in space, the explorers discover a rift in space-time and pass through a wormhole that has appeared near Saturn. Where does this hole lead? To a new galaxy, where no man has gone before. Will they find a new planet that could support human life?
Dunkirk (2017)

In Dunkirk, in 1940. About 400,000 French, British, Canadian and Belgian soldiers find themselves surrounded by the Wehrmacht in the Dunkirk pocket. The only way out? The sea.
We are in the middle of Operation Dynamo, consisting of the evacuation of Allied soldiers from the beaches and the port of Dunkirk. After escaping enemy bullets, Tommy (Fionn Whitehead) reaches the beach with other soldiers to evacuate via civilian boats to England. A magnificent historical look at this operation which allowed the re-embarkation of the troops stuck in Dunkirk at the end of the French campaign.
tenet (2020)

Neil (Robert Pattinson), an anonymous CIA agent known as “The Protagonist”, is selected by a mysterious organization called Tenet. His mission ? Reverse time and stop Andrei Sator (Kenneth Branagh), a Russian oligarch who can read the future, from carrying out a project leading to World War III and the destruction of the world.
Oppenheimer (2023)

Oppenheimer is a biopic about Julius Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy), the “father of the atomic bomb”. The American physicist has indeed distinguished himself by his contributions to the “Manhattan Project”, the code name of the research project on the first atomic bomb during the Second World War, but also by his life full of twists and turns.
Did you know ? To write the screenplay for his film, Christopher Nolan was inspired by the book American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin.