[Opinion] To exist strong. Long exist.

When I learned that Montreal Pride was organizing a parade and not a march this year, I was disappointed. Disappointed, because the importance of that day is not the allegorical floats. […] The importance of this day lies in meeting people who are like us. We were five aromantic people walking together yesterday. It never happens. We never meet on the subway. It is life changing to know that other people share our identities, that we are not alone.

When I learned that the parade was canceled, I was scared. Afraid, because I know them, the statistics on the suicide rate among trans people. Fear, because I know them, the devastating effects when queer people are rejected by those around them. […]

When, sitting in front of my mirror painting myself in a rainbow, I learned that the fashion show was cancelled, I couldn’t imagine myself staying at home. Not because it would have been boring, but because I knew I was building community around people who needed it. And I couldn’t drop that responsibility because Montréal Pride didn’t have enough volunteers. Our lives are worth more than that. Suddenly, walking with these few people made sense. We all needed that day to remind ourselves that we are beautiful people who have the right to exist. To exist strong. To exist for a long time.

Yesterday, we walked. By standing up, we have changed lives. By standing up, we saved lives.

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