[Opinion] The Circus of Forgiveness | The duty

The institution Church does not have the competence to deal with forgiveness, because for decades, it does not stop deliberately camouflaging the misdeeds of its clergy committed all over the world. It denigrates forgiveness in its relational and worship practice. She thinks she’s immune. In truth, it in no way defends the law, justice and forgiveness that it must defend. As a result, she resigned and her requests were not heard.

Pope Francis’ visit to indigenous communities and his request for forgiveness only have value or weight if this institution changes its attitude, corrects and repairs the countless crimes committed by its members.

Jesus did not ask to found an institution. He was against the commercialism and clerical hypocrisy of the temple of his day. Instead, he asked to pray in the privacy of his room. No need for intermediaries and false representatives who take advantage of people’s naivety. No need for an organization that imposes its four wills and enslaves consciences. The institutionalization of Christianity, based on the pagan model, only arrived in the IVe century, after the conversion of Constantine and the Roman Empire. The original post has been distorted.

According to the very mechanism of reconciliation, there is forgiveness only after full and just reparation, otherwise it is a joke, another flagrant injustice which is added to that already committed. How then can we restore dignity to those who [ont fait les frais] monstrous acts? How to repair and purify their memory? How to regain the trust of future generations and loved ones still traumatized by revelations that keep on being added? Potential new unmarked graves were reportedly discovered last week. Others may soon be disclosed.

The black robes mistakenly believe that it would be easy to fake forgiveness by resorting to pageantry and authority. Their only power is that which we grant them. Basically, they would be twice as responsible for these wrongs because they are aware of their moral seriousness.

The February 2019 summit for the protection of minors promised a new wind, an era of cleaning and repair. Nothing has been done since. These were only pious wishes to save the face of the Church and restore its image. Bluffing, as usual and as we will no doubt hear in the days to come. And we still embark on this parade of religious sentimentality, gullible and vulnerable.

Where is the will of the Church to make amends honorably? What concrete steps have been taken to eradicate this widespread cancer? A friend sent several registered letters to the Vatican and the Apostolic Nunciature in Ottawa, encouraged by the promises of rectitude and transparency made during this summit. He demanded the resignation and suspension of a bishop who slapped, bloodied and broke the glasses of a churchwarden during mass.

A police squad arrived. She emptied the temple and the bishop in question was taken into custody. However, the victim, wanting to preserve the reputation of his community, did not file a complaint or initiate civil proceedings. She wanted us to do her justice internally. The ecclesial authorities responded to him with the silence of omerta, as hurtful as the physical and psychological aggression suffered. This bishop has had promotions since and he was received with all honors despite the voluminous file of testimonies sent against him. He wanders everywhere with impunity, with his gilding. How then to believe in this promised will of rectification and repentance?

Francis’ request for forgiveness is that of a good-natured pope. The institution, so rigid, does not follow. The proof, during the visit of the indigenous delegation to the Vatican last winter, and during the official meetings, only two cardinals were present. No interest from the others who were conspicuous by their absence. Why turn the knife in the wounds and wipe reproaches?

It takes a change of attitude to legitimize and authenticate forgiveness, otherwise it’s just a cynical circus, a parade of empty words, one more opportunity to play, even make fun of people’s good faith. .

The Church is not the institution, but the meeting of a few faithful who love what is transcendent. Everything else is adornment, embellishment.

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