Opinion – Tap, tap, ding, ding!

For convenience, I chose the mouse. But how I would have liked to respond to this architecture student who invited us to reflect on our relationship to technology by strumming enthusiastically on the keyboard of my Smith Corona. Yes, sometimes the joyous melody of my typewriter resounds in my room. Does the neighborhood appreciate this unusual “clap, clap, ding, ding”? I even call myself a virtuoso. I’ve already taken typing lessons. I am 58 years old! I never forgot my lessons. ASDF left hand! JKL-; right hand !

In front of this marvel in the process of extinction, I sometimes escape from reality. I am no longer a simple Mrs. Everyone who has a passion for writing open letters. I become… Marguerite Yourcenar! First woman admitted to the French Academy, my bicorne precariously balanced on my noggin, my sword dangling from my hip and the olive branches that harmonize with the pers of my short-sighted gaze, here I am at last starring in the D Magazine of Duty

Seriously, I can’t afford internet at my home. Luckily, wifi reaches out to me almost everywhere. In addition, when writing in virtual, no ugly splash of correction fluid comes to soil the paper. With computers, everything is clean, cold as in a laboratory. As a bonus, the experience takes place in dead silence…

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