[Opinion] Recognize the expertise of the community at its fair value

The multiplicity of social issues addressed in this election campaign left little room to address the place of community organizations and the conditions for supporting their mission, whose essential role has been confirmed in the context of the pandemic.

From September 14 to 16, the forum “The community at the heart: dialogue around initiatives and practices during the pandemic” mobilized key players in the response to the COVID-19 crisis. This forum brought together more than 200 researchers, stakeholders and managers from academia, public health, health and social services institutions, municipalities as well as community and philanthropic organizations.

The presentations and exchanges around experiences and research made it possible to agree on five main findings for Quebec and on two priority actions to be put in place quickly to deal with the current context and prepare for the future.

The findings

1. The pandemic is a global social and health phenomenon that has affected not only physical health but also all dimensions of social life: economic, political, educational, employment, mental health, etc.

2. The pandemic and public health measures such as confinement have had the effect of increasing inequities and inequalities, and have further weakened the most vulnerable and marginalized populations and localities.

3. If the extent of the negative collateral effects has yet to be identified, socio-health interventions must quickly act on the social determinants of health (housing, food security, living conditions, etc.) to preserve well-being and cohesion in the communities.

4. During the pandemic, community mobilization, citizen participation and collaborative consultation were essential and made it possible to create adapted and innovative practices that saved lives.

5. Community organizations have been key players because of their ability to innovate, their flexibility and their privileged relationship with local populations, especially the most vulnerable. This was possible because of the mission of these organizations, recognized in the government policy of recognition and support of community action, which promotes community mobilization, popular education and the promotion of citizen participation.

However, this contribution of community organizations has not been fully recognized; on the contrary, the organizations have been weakened by the pandemic, the lack of adequate funding and the workforce crisis.

The participants and organizers of the forum identified two priority actions to face the public health challenges created by the pandemic and to prepare for other foreseeable socio-health crises in a context of globalization and climate change.

Priority actions

1. The rapid recognition of autonomous community action by expanding and increasing funding for the mission of all groups in different sectors of activity (health and social services, education, employability, defense of rights, reception of people immigrants and refugees, housing, culture, environment, etc.).

2. The establishment of consultation and collaboration mechanisms that ensure the conditions for the participation of community organizations that represent the populations concerned, in particular groups in situations of vulnerability, within structures bringing together local social and institutional actors.

*Co-signed this text:

Adina Ungureanu, coordinator of the Immigration Family Observatory

Aimee You

Alain Picard, Council of Hasidic Jews of Quebec (CJHQ)

Alain-Antoine Courchesne

Amir Harrate, APPR / DRSP Montreal

Anabelle Vanier-Clément, M.Sc., co-coordinator, CoVivre Program

Anna Bonnel, psychologist

Anne Pelletier, DePhy Montreal

Anne-Marie Paradis, Quebec Network for the Social Inclusion of Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

Annie Jaimes, Professor, Department of Psychology, UQAM

Ashely Wazana, MD, Assistant Professor, McGill University

Audrey Lamothe-Lachaine, professor of psychology, Collège de Maisonneuve, lecturer, University of Montreal

Aurélie Broussouloux, Executive Director of the Alternative and Community Network of Mental Health Organizations (RACOR) on the Island of Montreal

Bilkis Vissandjee, University of Montreal

Carol Bottger

Caroline Toupin, Coordinator, Quebec Network of Autonomous Community Action (RQ-ACA)

Catherine Larochelle, Professor, Department of History, University of Montreal

Catherine Letarte, General Manager, Omega Community Resources

Cecilia Escamilla, Executive Director Latin American Family Support Center (CAFLA)

Christine Jette

Cindy Ngov, MScPH, CoVivre Program

Claire Trottier, Director, Trottier Family Foundation

Claude Pinard, Chief Executive Officer, Centraide of Greater Montreal

Colette Daignault-Cummings, NPO Word of Excluded

Daniele Salmeron, project coordinator

Delphine Van den Bossche, community organizer

Diana Miconi, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Andragogy, University of Montreal; member of the Order of Psychologists of Quebec

Dr. Christina Greenaway, professor of medicine, McGill University, Division of Infectious Diseases, Jewish General Hospital

Dr. Jaswant Guzder, professor, McGill Psychiatry Department

Dyala Hamzah, Associate Professor, University of Montreal

Elisabeth Germain, feminist and anti-racist activist

Élise Bourgeois-Guérin, psychologist

Emmanuelle Bolduc, phase 1 coordinator – CoVivre

Ève Torres, institutional and community worker

France Parent, Franciscan Oblates of Saint Joseph

Francine Hamel

François Crépeau, Faculty of Law, McGill University

François Poulin, director of the Bordeaux-Cartierville Youth Center

Garine Papazian-Zohrabian, Professor, University of Montreal

Geneviève Mercille, professor, nutrition department, University of Montreal

George Tarabulsy, School of Psychology, Université Laval, Center for University Research on Youth and Families

Gordon Blennemann, Professor of History, University of Montreal

Guillaume-Félix Boucher, Food Security Mobilization Officer — Consolidation of La Petite-Patrie consultation tables

Habib El Hage, IRIPII

Hélène Hébert, Acting Director General of ReQIS

Henri-Paul Bronsard

Isabelle Ruelland, Professor, School of Social Work, UQAM

Janet Cleveland, researcher, SHERPA University Institute

Janique Johnson-Lafleur, postdoctoral researcher, McGill University

Javier Fuentes Bernal, TS Clinique Mauve, doctoral student in social work

Javorka Zivanovic Sarenac, Clinical and Research Coordinator of the Polarization Estrie Team

Jean-Marc Fontan, professor, UQAM

Jean-Sébastien Fallu, Associate Professor, School of Psychoeducation, University of Montreal

Jean-Sébastien Patrice, General Manager MultiCaf

Jill Hanley, IU SHERPA Professor and Scientific Director

Johanne Collin, Full Professor, University of Montreal

Joy Schinazi, MPH, co-coordinator, CoVivre program

Julie Desjardins Hebert, CISSSCA

Julie Laloire

Julie Nicolas, Observatory of Autonomous Community Action

Julie-Anne Perrault, Deputy Director, Group of Blind and Amblyopic People of Metropolitan Montreal (RAAMM)

Julien Prud’homme, Professor and Director, Department of Human Sciences, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières

Justine Gosselin-Gagne

Katia Boudrahem

Krystelle-Marie Abalovi, research project coordinator / School of Public Health of the University of Montreal

Lara Gautier, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, University of Montreal

Laurence Guénette, League of Rights and Freedoms

Laurence J. Kirmayer, James McGill, professor & director, Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill University

Laurence Monnais, University of Montreal

Lea Coget

Liesette Brunson, Professor, Department of Psychology, UQAM

Lisa Benisty, worker at Prize 2, alternative mental health resource

Lisa Merry, Associate Professor, University of Montreal

Louise Giroux, Head of Educational Wellness Programs, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Louise Potvin, PhD, Scientific Director, Public Health Research Center, University of Montreal and CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Lourdes Rodriguez del Barrio, PhD, professor, University of Montreal; scientific director of InterActions; ERASMUS

Luc Dargis

Malek Batal, PhD, FRSC, FCAHS, Canada Research Chair in Nutrition and Health Inequalities, University of Montreal

Manon Boilly

Marie-Andrée Painchaud-Mathieu, Coordinator, Intersectorial Grouping of Community Organizations of Montreal

Marie-Ève ​​Samson, doctoral student in anthropology at UdeM and research fellow at the SHERPA University Institute

Marie-Line Audet, National Table of Community Development Corporations

Marilou Cyr

Marjolaine Goudreau, president of RÉCIFS

Miriam Taylor, independent researcher

Myriam Richard, doctoral student, School of Social Work, University of Montreal

Myrna Lashley, associate professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, McGill University

Naïma Bentayeb, ENAP associate professor; IU SHERPA researcher

Nathalie Godfrind, worker and support worker at Prize 2, alternative mental health resource

Nimâ Machouf, PhD, epidemiologist

Olivier Bonnet, Managing Director, Word of ExcluEs

Olivier Drouin, founder of the Covid Écoles Québec citizens’ initiative

Olivier Gauvin, TOMS General Coordinator

Pascal Chavannes, psychologist and resident in psychiatry at the University of Montreal

Patricia Chartier, Coordinator, TROC Coalition

Paul Hayotte, doctoral student in community psychology, UQAM

Paul-André Lévesque, Ph.D., Montreal Regional Public Health Department

Pierrette Richard, director Prize2, alternative mental health resource

Rachel Kronick, MD FRCPC, McGill University

Rosita Bitogol, Project Manager — MyLumen Clinic

Salam El-Majzoub, MD, psychiatry resident, McGill University

Salomé Gueidon, project manager, NewCities

Samuel Veissière, Assistant Professor, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, Co-Director, Culture Mind and Brain Program, McGill University; ARH Clinician, Polarization Team, CLSC Parc Extension

Sasha Dyck, nurse, Parc-Extension

Serge Seguin, General Manager

Sonia Hajo, BHSc, MScPH, BCL / JD Candidate, McGill Faculty of Law

Sophia Ratté, community organizer

Sophie Laquerre-Duchesne, Director, L’Escale Youth Center in Montreal-North

Stephan Reichhold, Round table of organizations serving refugees and immigrants

Sylvie Trottier, member of the Board of Directors of the Trottier Family Foundation

Tara Santavicca, MSc Public Health, CoVivre program

Valérie Amiraux, professor, University of Montreal

Vivek Venkatesh, full professor and co-holder UNESCO-PREV Chair

William Delisle, Director, Club Friend

Yasmine Abdessettar, CoVivre program

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