[Opinion] Let’s crown the end of the monarchical regime

On Saturday May 6, Westminster, London, will be the scene of a lavish and expensive demonstration which will formalize the accession of King Charles III to the throne of England, designating him as political and religious sovereign of the United Kingdom and its colonies. , including Canada and, indirectly, Quebec.

This pompous coronation also constitutes, for the monarchical power, a way of taking the pulse – let’s face it, less and less vigorous – of the population faced with this dated regime. Note also that New Zealand and Australia have both announced that they are considering breaking with the monarchy. Something to inspire us.

As far as Quebecers are concerned, no need to take a pulse: their desire to free themselves from the outdated and backward-looking British royalty and what it represents is clear. The monarchy is far from who we are and from the values ​​of democracy, equality and secularism that are dear to us. Dependence on the British Crown is an affront to our democracy, and ending it would be a gesture that would honor Quebecers.

But it’s not just Quebecers who want to break free from the monarchy: a recent survey by the firm Angus Reid confirms that a majority of Canadians are also ready to break with this useless and costly institution. No doubt they believe, like us, that there are better things to do with our money.

The monarchy costs us 70 million dollars a year in expenditure on pageantry, travel and monarchical representation. Not to mention what it will cost Prime Minister Trudeau to bow down before a newly crowned Charles III. While the rise in the cost of living is having a severe impact on Quebecers, these sums should be used for public services rather than subsidizing British royalty and its Canadian suite.

In 2023, it should be normal to adopt our own laws according to our own values ​​and without having to submit them to the approval of a foreign monarch. Our votes must take precedence over that of a British king. It is a matter of common sense. It is a question of modernity. It is a question of democracy.

Justin Trudeau’s government must stop fooling itself: the days of bowing down to the king are long gone. It is high time to get rid of the monarchy.

As for us, in the Bloc Québécois, our faith and our loyalty are to Quebeckers.

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