Opinion – Giving to fend off inconsistency and guilt

The world is so beautiful! Still, rumor has it that it’s losing its luster these days. We would have the impression of seeing something escape us when forests burn, when ecosystems wither, when technology encroaches on human relations, when cultures homogenize or collide violently… We would see the signs of decline of what really matters, in favor of comfort and ease for those who are already one step ahead of the rest of the world. It would be a human error and we could only take pleasure in it or oppose it, choose sides, profit or fight. Between the two, there would only be confusion.

I am the first to understand the extent of the challenges facing the inhabitants of the Earth and the sacrifices that humans will have to make over the next few years. I have made thousands of decisions based on this anticipation, trying to minimize my environmental impact, finding a strong community living environment that generally respects ecological principles, and choosing a career as a science teacher that will allow me to share my curiosity, my love of the world and my environmental values ​​with young people in the process of shaping their identity. I made personal sacrifices, I accepted the role of bird of misfortune that they wanted to lend me, I had the impression of being morally in the right place, but alone against Goliath.

However, I also participate in this system and I have travelled, I have eaten meat, I have been on a personal watercraft… Looking only at its inconsistencies, one necessarily faces doubt, guilt and to confusion. We live in a complex world and our only subsistence necessarily has an impact on the environment. It takes indulgence to navigate serenely through a life of inconsistencies and, more than ever, serenity is welcome in our lives. However, indulgence does not mean complacency or ignorance. Our human capacity for morality obliges us to accept the responsibility of taking care of the other, human, animal or vegetable.

Pay it forward

One thing I’ve learned over time is that giving both reduces the inconsistency between my actions and my values ​​and increases the indulgence I allow myself to have with myself. Giving time to my loved ones, offering advice, ideas, small dishes and also money, simply. In general, we do not realize early enough in life how easy and rewarding it is to give to an organization or to individuals who need it, whether they are acquaintances or not.

We can even choose the causes that are most important to us. Thus, I made a lifetime commitment to give at least 10% of my income, as many thousands of people do around the world, by participating in the Giving What We Can initiative. Each person can choose the percentage that suits them, depending on their income and constraints, but the commitment to donate a fixed amount guarantees precious resources over time for those who need them to carry out their projects.

It can seem daunting to give away a significant portion of your income, year after year, but it’s actually pretty easy to get by despite this recurring donation. This slight sacrifice is also more than compensated by the pride and other positive feelings it can give you. It is a pleasant way to push away inconsistency and guilt and also a way to taste the happiness of helping others without expecting reciprocity. Experience makes you grow, guaranteed.

I learned too late how beneficial sharing was, for myself and for others. It is good to share one’s resources, one’s good humor, one’s love, but also one’s thirst for sharing! Not everyone likes to show off their good moves, but I hope that my speech will have a contagion effect and will make you discover or rediscover the multiple benefits of unbridled generosity. Quebec is one of the nations best positioned to face the challenges that await humanity. Collectively and individually, let us have the audacity to consolidate and share our wealth and assume our responsibility, our pride and our generosity.

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