[Opinion] Cuckoo clocks, apple cores and cigarette butts

I will take advantage of this public denunciation by the deputies of Québec solidaire (QS), who are demanding an apology after being called “bastards” and “gangrene”, to bring out a letter I wrote after the elections, but which had not been published. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that I support QS 100% in this matter, despite our divergent political opinions.

Cuckoo clocks, apple cores and cigarette butts.

If you’re an avid reader of popular columnists, you may have read these words before.

This is not the case ?

I explain to you.

These words were used by a star columnist to describe the candidates of the Conservative Party of Quebec (PCQ) during the last provincial election, and that, time and time again. In fact, I have lost count of the number of times this worldly moralist has taken the liberty of literally demolishing men and women whom he knows neither of Eve nor of Adam simply because they do not think not like him.

Who are these people ? What is their life course? Why did they come to throw themselves into the arena, knowing that several raptors will be lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to attack them, to then feed on their carcass? Does a human being who wants to be heard and who uses the democratic way to do so deserve to be called empty and crazy?

The list of questions could be endless.

Indeed, before calling for public demolition and lynching, one should ask why. Why so much hate? Why this need to humiliate, to destroy? What personal need am I filling? Socially, given my media role, what need am I meeting?

Let’s be honest for a moment. This kind of slander does not advance anything at all. It only divides by ostracizing those who bother me, those I don’t like and who I obviously consider crap. I organize myself to paint these “cuckoo clocks”, these “drainages” in the corner and I then use my media power to make sure that my fans can point fingers with me.

Basically, the recipe is very simple. I multiply the intellectual shortcuts and I make amalgams. Indeed, I put everyone in the same boat without distinction. I then misuse the word “libaaarté” in my texts to demonstrate that these fools of course do not know the (my) true definition of the word “freedom”.

Then, what would a public demolition session be without the insults: covidiots, illiterate, cuckoos, under-gifted, emptying, toothless, weirdos, bastards, gangrene, thick, etc. ?

What’s left to do after all this?

Most important !

Repeat it again and again!

Once the “good” work is done, I let my blogging vultures finish the dirty work…

Doesn’t all this make you think of a phenomenon that we are trying to combat socially?

Me, if… to intimidation.

However, many Quebecers drink it greedily.

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