Opinion – AI at the service of dictators

I read with interest Brian Myles’ op-ed on Artificial Intelligence (AI) published on Friday, June 30. I fully agree with this passage: “As a prerequisite, democratic nations will need to define, domestically and internationally, the risk factors and the roadmap that will allow AI tools to be deployed in respect for their values ​​and principles, and that they are subject to a validation mechanism that balances the protection of human dignity and innovation. »

I hope they will succeed. But it will be quite different in dictatorial regimes, which will take advantage of AI to consolidate their power, destabilize and perhaps even defeat democracies.

At the end of the week, I read a very interesting review of an essay by Raphaël Glucksmann entitled The big showdown. How Putin is waging war on our democracies. The author argues that the Russian regime is convinced that “the expansion of chaos abroad makes it possible to remedy internal tensions”. The major part of the images coming from the West which are shown in televisions controlled by dictatorial regimes are negative, it is not for nothing (they are well served these days with the riots in France). In China, it took images of the soccer World Cup in Qatar for the Chinese to understand that they were being confused with the health measures taken to counter COVID-19.

Dictatorships refuse to use atomic weapons against democracies because it would be suicidal for them (despite certain reprisals, perhaps only fanatical Iran would still drop an atomic bomb on Israel if it could). But in a few years, AI may be the ideal weapon they hoped to overcome it. You can trust any regime that disregards human rights to get on board.

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