[Opinion] A SILVER alert in French, please

Mr. Legault, I would like to understand. […] On June 7, after all your alarmist observations and all your demands, your government announced the creation of a SILVER alert to help find people who could be in distress.

SILVER, like this English word which designates the silver hair of seniors mainly targeted by this initiative modeled on those already found in the United States, I imagine.

But here it is: by a sleight of hand, we are explained rather that it is a question of SILVER as “Information system to locate vulnerable people lost and sought”.

It seems to me that the “P” in person has disappeared along the way, but we are not close to one letter when we decide to indulge in this kind of intellectual contortion. In fact, we simply took the American name for which we clumsily invented a new designation.

Is it me, Mr. Prime Minister, who sees here a serious problem of governmental coherence? Why not use a French term instead of contributing even more to an anglicization that you vehemently denounce? As these alerts will be regional, it is easy to designate them with a French term, the official and common language of Quebec, I believe.

Come on ! We can do it!

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