ophthalmologists, on strike, do not want orthoptists to prescribe glasses



France 3

Article written by

E. Mathieu, MA. Peleran, J. Savry – France 3

France Televisions

At the North hospital in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), the entire ophthalmology department is on strike. In question, a reform which would authorize orthoptists to prescribe the wearing of glasses.

VFriday October 22, aNo ophthalmologist is present at the North Hospital of Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). The service is on strike to protest against a reform of the government which would give the right to orthoptists to prescribe the wearing of glasses. A decision that does not pass by ophthalmologists. “There is a risk that some patients will be overlooked […]. It is a reform that threatens the visual health of the French“, explains Juliette Hugo, head of the ophthalmology clinic.

On the other hand, the reaction of ophthalmologists is poorly perceived by orthoptists, while the two often collaborate. “We don’t take a piece of the cake away from them. Their patient will have the choice: where he will go to his ophthalmologist, where he will come to us“, explains Mélanie Ordines, president of the union of orthoptists. For some of these professionals, it is a”rearguard battle“.

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