Ophélie Meunier unable to suppress a giggle in the face of Jérôme Commandeur freewheeling!

While French films have had a lot of trouble winning at the box office for several months, will Jérôme Commandeur manage to ward off bad luck? He releases comedy Irreducible in theaters June 29. A film he directs and in which he notably plays alongside Christian Clavier. He presented it on RTL with Ophélie Meunier.

Saturday June 18, he was therefore a guest of the show The Unexpected Journal. “What tastes like a little madeleine is the role of Christian Clavier“, underlined Ophélie Meunier, already laughing at the end of her sentence. It was enough for Jérôme Commandeur – who we currently find in The torch on Canal + – to let go and make the host leave in a long giggle… “Oh Christian, it’s more than a madeleine. It’s a good brioche, it’s a 300 gram brioche. It’s country bread! I made three films with him, finally, he will answer you when he comes… No, but it’s true!“, dropped the actor and director, also hilarious during this exchange.

But it did not stop there and poor Christian Clavier still took it for his rank when Ophélie Meunier spoke of his role as a caricatural trade unionist in the film. “He borrowed his little earring from Bernard Lavilliers, which he put in his left ear. This is the first time that Christian has played a role on the left! He entered the CGT room where we were filming, he looked like a kid at the Louvre. I told him but take pictures Christian! Social gains, he didn’t know what that was…“, added Jérôme Commandeur, teasing with his colleague whose political preferences we know! Meanwhile, Ophélie Meunier was trying somehow to stay pro.

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