“What I said disturbs. I must have aimed right under the threats“, Amine Elbahi told AFP. The young man recounts in the report that he alerted the North prefecture at the end of 2020 to an association in the city, “Ambitions and initiatives for success” (AAIR). He suspected it of dispensing from “Koranic lessons“under the guise of tutoring, benefiting from public subsidies, in particular municipal. In the background, suspicions of clientelism against the DVD mayor, Guillaume Delbar.
The young man filed a complaint on Friday after receiving numerous threats on social networks, by SMS or on WhatsApp, as well as voice recordings “noted by bailiff“, according to his lawyer, Me Jean Tamalet. Amine Elbahi is notably described as “kouffar” (unbeliever in Arabic, editor’s note) and “he is told that he is going to be beheaded“, specifies the lawyer to AFP. Claiming to be the victim of a “surge of hatred and threats“, Mayor Guillaume Delbar announced his intention to file a complaint too.
Amine Elbahi’s alert led to an investigation by the prefecture, which explains that it found that “religious Arabic courses“were actually exempted, then made a report to the prosecution. Guillaume Delbar, as well as three members of the association were summoned on Tuesday before the Lille Criminal Court, the first for embezzlement”by negligence“, the others for “breach of trust“. A date set well before the broadcast of the report.
However, this trial could be postponed: two lawyers have asked for time to study the case. And Guillaume Delbar, as well as his advice, were positive for Covid at the end of the week.
Policy support
Following the announcement of the placement under police protection of Ophélie Meunier, Aurore Bergé, LREM deputy for Yvelines, gave her support to the 34-year-old journalist from M6. “No intimidation can call into question the freedom to show, say and inform. Our mobilization to fight against Islamism is total. Don’t miss anything. Face reality and change it. Support @ophmeunier“, wrote the deputy in response to a comment on Twitter.
“Total support for @ophmeunier threatened and placed under protection after the courageous investigation of Zone prohibited on Islamism #M6“, reacted for her part Valérie Pécresse, candidate Les Républicains for the 2022 presidential election.
“All my support for Ophélie Meunier placed under police protection. His wrong? Have done their job with professionalism. Islamism threatens our way of life and our democracy. @GDarmanin what are you waiting for to act?“, commented Eric Ciotti, beaten last December by Valérie Pécresse during the LR primary.
“Ophélie Meunier is in mortal danger: this is what happens when you show the French the Islamization of our country. Millions of patriots thank her for her courage. #Restricted zone“, wrote Eric Zemmour on Twitter.