Operation Red Nose Ends Prematurely

(Quebec) Operation Red Nose announced Tuesday the premature end of its escort service in Quebec. It was to last until December 31.

In a brief communication, management nonetheless indicates that in this atypical year, the volunteers and the Operation Red Nose team are very proud to have accompanied thousands of Quebecers back to safety this fall after their festive evenings.

Volunteers were back on the roads this year in more than twenty regions of Quebec after being forced to take a break in 2020 due to containment linked to the COVID-19 crisis.

Operation Red Nose has been part of the Quebec landscape since the mid-1980s. The organization has since extended its wings to other Canadian provinces.

In 2019, more than 50,000 Quebec motorists were safely escorted home.

When the Operation Red Nose teams are able to be on duty, they offer motorists who are unfit to drive due to impaired capacities to be driven home with their car, in return for a financial contribution of their choice. to be paid to organizations dedicated to youth development and amateur sport.

source site-63