opening of an investigation after the assault on the coordinator of the Munster vaccination center

This employee of the Haut-Rhin community of municipalities was violently attacked by three people on Friday, January 7. Slightly injured, he was taken to hospital and prescribed three days of ITT.

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An employee of the community of communes of the Valley of Munster (Haut-Rhin), coordinator of the city’s vaccination center, was violently attacked by three people on Friday January 7, around 8 p.m., when the center was closed. The man, slightly injured, was taken to Colmar hospital.

Examined by a forensic doctor from the Mulhouse medico-judicial unit the next day, Saturday 8 January, he “is not seriously injured” but present “injuries to the stomach, browbone, thigh and hand”, specifies the prosecutor of the Republic of Colmar in a press release, published this Sunday, January 9. He was also prescribed three days of ITT (total interruption of work).

If the reason for this assault is “currently unknown”, she “seems to be related to the victim’s activities within the center” of vaccination of Munster, again indicates the press release of the public prosecutor of Colmar. An investigation, entrusted to the Colmar gendarmerie company, was opened in flagrante delicto for violence in meetings with weapons and premeditation, indicate the prosecutor and the prefecture. The three suspects are still at large, reports France Bleu Alsace.

In a press release, the prefect of Haut-Rhin and the director general of ARS Grand Est “strongly denounce this unacceptable act. Nothing can justify such violence. They provide support to the victim as well as to the team mobilized in this vaccination center. A psychological unit will be set up if necessary to their profit. “

To avoid such incidents and allow vaccinations to take place under the best possible conditions, “The vaccination centers of the department are the subject of permanent attention by the internal security forces. This mobilization will continue.”

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