“Open fracture … I could have stayed there”: Cyril Lignac talks about the terrible accident that marked him for life

Cyril Lignac saw his life flash before his eyes in 2016. At the time, he was one of the most popular pastry chefs in France thanks to his talent and his numerous television appearances. Caught up in this professional whirlwind, the chef leads a life at 1,000 miles an hour and undergoes a call to order. While driving on two wheels in the streets of Paris, Cyril Lignac is hit by a car. A collision on which he returned in the show As an aside broadcast this Monday, January 31 on Canal +, of which Gala unveiled an exclusive extract: “I crossed the crossroads, open fracture. […] I could have stayed there.“Indeed, the shock was such that he spent two months under surveillance in the hospital to recover from his injuries. Coming out alive from the accident, Cyril Lignac is convinced that his mother, who died in 2014, was his guardian angel:I got up saying to myself ‘mom protected me’, I got back on my feet and I learned to walk again.”

This scooter accident was traumatic, like the loss of his mother Janine Gazeau with whom he was very close, even close, in 2014. Suffering from a serious illness, she did not make it out. If time soothes the pain of absence, Cyril Lignac is categorical: “We never actually get over it.“True to his optimism, Mercotte’s sidekick sees the good side of his mother’s last days of life.

When the diagnosis of her disease falls on the family, Janine Gazeau warns her son that she will seek treatment in Paris: “Which is ‘brilliant’ in my misfortune is that I spent the last six months of her life with her“, he always explains in As an aside. Cyril Lignac opens wide the doors of his apartment to his mother and falls back to childhood: “I enjoyed it so much, I became like a little boy again. I called him saying ‘mum I’m not going home to eat tonight’, she answered me ‘but Cyril, you are at home, you do as you want’. I had found this family cocoon.“Without doubt one of his fondest memories!

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