open and full campsites on All Saints’ Day


Article written by

F. Even, A. Ropert, N. Saliou-Tendron – France 3

France Televisions

While most campsites are closed at the seaside, some establishments extend their opening during the All Saints holidays by attracting their most loyal customers.

In Sables-d’Olonne (Vendée), holidaymakers are always present, accompanied by their motorhomes. In some campsites, it is time for extensions for the All Saints holidays, while the majority of establishments have closed for the start of the winter season. This is due to the good temperatures and the sun present en masse. Some establishments in Vendée are even fully booked, mainly by regulars.

What also keeps customers coming back are the lower prices compared to the peak season. But also the entertainment and activities planned, including in autumn. In a Vendée establishment, there is in particular a covered and heated swimming pool. These attentions make customers happy. “Frankly, I think the campsite has made enormous efforts in terms of entertainment for children, I find that great”, testifies one of them. The openings at the end of the season also make it possible to recruit employees for a longer period.


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