Open-air fires in the forest banned on the Côte-Nord and in Gaspésie

A “prolonged heat wave” expected this week in Quebec is prompting the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests to ban open-air fires in or near forests in certain areas of the Côte-Nord and Gaspésie.

On the North Shore, the ban which came into effect at 8 a.m. Monday morning covers the areas of La Haute-Côte-Nord, Manicouagan, Sept-Rivières, Caniapiscau, Minganie, Anticosti Island and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

In Gaspésie, it applies to the Rocher-Percé, Côte-de-Gaspé, Haute-Gaspésie and Bonaventure sectors.

In the areas concerned, it is therefore prohibited to light an open fire – which is defined as “any fire burning freely or which could spread freely” – in or near a forest, under penalty of a fine ranging from $500 to $50,000.

Campfires, fireworks and the use of instruments capable of producing sparks are prohibited. Fires lit in facilities provided for this purpose, which are equipped with spark arresters, are still permitted.

According to Environment Canada, a hot and humid air mass is currently affecting Quebec. The mercury will be high at the beginning of the week, and despite a lull on Wednesday thanks to showers, the heat will return on Thursday and could persist until Friday.

On Monday, the risk of fire was deemed “extreme” in a large portion of eastern Quebec. The Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPFEU) also issued its own call for vigilance on Saturday, emphasizing that despite the holidays for many Quebecers, “vigilance should not take a break.”

“SOPFEU is monitoring the situation very closely, as it anticipates the outbreak of several new fires over the next few days,” it was warned.

Currently, five fires are active in the SOPFEU intensive protection zone, in addition to 34 others in the northern zone.

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