“only beggars wear the mask?”

Meeting awaited by the fans, The Big Quiz may not have had the desired effect. Not that the questions were deemed invalid, but a detail during the broadcast angered Internet users and viewers a lot. Namely: wearing a mask. But the piece of fabric we’ve been wearing in front of our faces since the start of the pandemic hasn’t been the only thing that has made people in front of their televisions cringe.

At the very beginning of the program, Hélène Mannarino announced excellent news for all fans of the game. It was possible for them to download the question form in order to play through her screen with the personalities present such as Paul El Kharrat, some no longer want his presence at Laurent Ruquier, Camille Cerf, or even Florent Peyre. An excellent initiative from TF1, provided it works. Because yes, many Internet users have deplored the fact that it was impossible to download the form in question.

Preferential treatment

“We find it where the questionnaire downloaded for #LeGrandQuiz @MYTF1 please? Impossible to find it”, “We see the questions, finally, the questionnaire what. But impossible to download it and impossible to answer the questions directly on the questionnaire. Might as well put nothing in these cases”, “The real difficulty of the quiz is in the search for the online questionnaire in fact. Not found”lamented some…

But what really annoyed Internet users and fans of the Big Quiz undoubtedly remains the fact that the entire public had to wear a mask while the personalities who participated in the game were not obliged to do so. It was enough to arouse the anger of the twittos. “Only beggars should wear the mask, celebrities don’t catch the virus. how tf1 takes the people for idiots”, “That’s it, it’s starting the delirium of personalities without a mask and the masked public again???? It’s well that conditions #LeGrandQuiz”, “Go !!! Propaganda Tv !!! TF1 this July 08 at 9:00 p.m. The stars do not have a mask and the public who is spaced 1 meter apart wear the mask !!! Society at 2 speeds and always this enslavement !!! But damn the people in the public obey. Sheep !!!”, most regretted. It remains to be seen whether the channel will change its way of doing things for the next broadcast.

See also: TPMP: Cyril Hanouna reveals Alain Chabat’s successor at the head of Burger Quiz


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